We all spend lots of time here giving the lie to the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses and their cover organization, The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. Here, the real truth about this dangerous and divisive organization of men is revealed for all who are interested. Long before I showed up here, the Jedi and other advanced members here have given unstinting support for people coming out of "the organization." No doubt this board has provided life saving, life affirming help for many people at their wit's end. You have been life savers.
I think you've done a great job of it.
And I hope I can suggest that we should guard ourselves against becoming so involved in being ex-witnesses that we fail to develop real lives for ourselves, independant philosophies, caring relationships, legitimate methods for contemplation of ultimate truth, and all else that gives meaning to a life with few answers.
That is, there is more to life than being an ex-witness, or an ex-anything else. Indeed, is there really any difference in being a witness and being an ex-witness? Don't you really become just like that which you despise...just a negative image of it?
Is there any difference between a proton and an anti-proton?
I do think we should continue to do what we're doing: warning the public with this very public conversation about a cult little-known outside its own shadowy private precincts; offering emotional support and an outlet for those who have been emotionally, psychologically, and perhaps physically abused; publishing the illogical, specious thinking of the society - its doctrinal flip-flops, theological U-turns, sneering cynical hypocrisies, and outright lies..lies told in supposed service to the God of Truth. We should continue to do these things. But we should guard against allowing these valuable contributions to society to so dominate our lives that we become nothing more than full-time ex-witnesses. We might as well have just stayed in as to allow that to happen.
Let's all get together in regional parties and party down with not one mention of the Borg.
Watcha think?