April 22nd 2019 is World Earth Day. An opportunity for people to join in doing something to protect our planet NOW rather than hoping G_d will save it in the future.
Protect our Species
by Lost in the fog 4 Replies latest social current
Most "save the planet" policies usually come down to just giving someone else some money, usually the government via a tax that they can then spend on special interest groups or rewarding their buddies (in Canada, they just gave $12m to some billionaires).
Who knew that a bank transfer could have such a powerful positive environmental impact!
Nathan Natas
April 22 is also Lenin's birthday, I've been told.
April 22 is also Lenin's birthday, I've been told. NN
another infamous character born just 2 days earlier caused even more air and soil pollution.
declare a grand sabbath, no production, no travel, fast for a day.
April 22 is also Lenin's birthday, I've been told.
Apparently, the very first Earth day was on his 100th birthday.
Coincidence? Maybe, but I doubt it.