If the cash incentive was high enough, and there was a clause that there is no way they could get any of it back, I would go in there and bork everything on purpose. When asked to pray, it would be "In the name of the archetype of the perfect slave" instead of jesus. Or, "In the name of the non-existent entity that is intended to keep our Kundalini serpent suppressed".
Calls would be a disaster. Every time I had the chance to place a damnation book, I would mention that this book provides joke-hova and its reptilian crew with the energy to enslave the whole planet, and then the whole universe. You want to help exterminate every last vestige of freedom from the whole universe, by all means take this damnation book and the publications based on it.
And zero donations. Rather, I would put slips of paper that are Void Checks with the message written "I will not support this organization's bid to work with the reptilians to enslave the whole planet." Those would go right into the Worldwide Damnation Fund boxes. And don't even think of direct payment from whatever bank account I have, let alone getting paid in silver or gold.
Of course, giving me the duties of hounders would be even worse. I would dog every single talk, and at Big and Grand Boasting Sessions, I would keep mentioning that jesus is the archetype of the perfect slave, and following the LIE-ble is providing the reptilians with the means of enslaving the whole world. No matter what, they would never get "proper" service out of me.
And I would keep whatever money they offered--there is no amount that would get me to go back to believing that joke-hova (an alpha draconian) wants anything but damnation for humanity. Or that the filthy angels are anything other than greys and reptilians, along with some Nordics that turned traitor, and thought forms. Or that the whole "Original sin" is anything more than Alcyone Law being forced on the earth (Belt of Orion Law, which is what Satan goes by, is in fact more in tune with natural law while Alcyone Law is intended to destroy all freedom). You broke Alcyone Law while on Earth (under Orion Law), but if you will sacrifice everything, we can reconciliate you with Alcyone Law and your ultimate damnation.
I wonder if they would still want me back.