New Check on ( Child ) Abuse .New safeguards (Australia Victoria) { Made Law last week }

by smiddy 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • smiddy

    This article was in the Herald Sun Thurs.March 2 ,2017 (HERALDSUN.COM.AU)

    "The Commission for children and young people will oversee the new scheme and monitor how organisations respond to claims of child abuse and misconduct.

    "Any abuse allegations will have to be centrally reported under the changes"

    "Child safety is everyones responsability.This scheme is the next vital step in keeping Victorian children safe and improving organisations responses to allegations of child abuse and misconduct " Families and children Minister Jenny Mikakos said.

    "Schools and Government services will have to comply from July 1. Other institutions providing services to children will follow in January."

    Wes Hosking.( Journalist)

    Will Jehovahs Witnesses see a loophole here and say it doesnt apply to them as they dont specifically hold childrens services ?

  • zeb

    Smiddy: "Will Jehovahs Witnesses see a loophole here and say it doesnt apply to them as they dont specifically hold childrens services ?"

    ................don't give them ideas..

    the term 'ministry school' was removed from kh signs. Hence the name change to 'mid-week' meeting.

    In Victoria the Government there tried every way to get the elders in that state to come on line with 'Working with Children' checking. Even offering to waive the fees in the end but the arrogant jw still refused to go along with it until a number woke up that it would be a good thing and went ahead of their own accord this was a slap in the face for the Australia branch office moguls.

    and a big congratulations for the Government of Victoria for seeing this come to be.

  • smiddy

    zeb If i understand it correctly only Elders & MS are required to undergo working with children checks is that right ?

    I would like to see every adult publisher going from D2D being required to have a WWCC ,I believe salespersons , carpet cleaners etc,etc, all have to get the required check so why not all people who go from D2D including religious people who have a shocking record of abusing children in their institutions.?

    I`m a bit disapointed that it will be another 11 months before it applies to religious institutions.

    JW`s still recognise all baptised one`s as being a minister of religion dont they ? even young children ? Do they then have the same responsability or culpabillity of an adult baptised JW ? and are subject to the same sanctions as an adult ?

    Young people are naturally curious about their sexuallity and pedophiles take advantage of this and exploit it to their own devious means .

    However children can innocently get involved with each other out of nothing but curiosity and coming to grips with their own sexuality and should in no way be judged like a sexual predator or as an adult.

    I dont believe The GB of JW`s can see or appreciate the difference between the two or even comprhend the complexity of child abuse.

    I welcome your response to these questions.

  • darkspilver

    Details are on The Commission for Children and Young People (Victoria) official website

    The Reportable Conduct Scheme

    From 1 July 2017, the Commission for Children and Young People will administer a ‘reportable conduct scheme’ in Victoria. The scheme will improve oversight of how organisations respond to allegations of child abuse and child-related misconduct by workers and volunteers.

    The benefits of the reportable conduct scheme include:

    • identifying individuals who pose a risk to children, but do not have criminal records, and enabling them to be excluded from working with children
    • independent oversight of responses to allegations of child abuse and child-related misconduct against workers and volunteers in organisations
    • building the capacity of organisations to respond appropriately and effectively to allegations of child abuse and child-related misconduct

    Under the scheme, the Commission for Children and Young People will have the power to:

    • monitor organisations’ investigations of abuse or misconduct and report on trends,
    • share information with key organisations, such as the Working with Children Check Unit and certain professional registration bodies, to improve child safety,
    • inquire into the safety systems of organisations engaged in child-related work, and
    • share relevant information to better protect children from the risks of abuse.

    The reportable conduct scheme will not interfere with reporting obligations to Victoria Police or with Victoria Police investigations. In all cases, allegations of criminal conduct must be reported to Victoria Police as the first priority.




    Which organisations will the reportable conduct scheme apply to?

    The reportable conduct scheme in Victoria will apply to a range of organisations that have a high level of responsibility for children. The scheme will be introduced in three phases from 1 July 2017.

    Phase 1 - From 1 July 2017 the scheme will apply to:

    • Government and non-government schools.
    • Organisations registered or accredited to provide senior secondary education and training.
    • Registered overseas student exchange organisations.
    • Registered schools and senior secondary providers that provide approved education and training courses to students from overseas.
    • Disability service providers that provides residential services for children with a disability.
    • Mental health service providers that provides in-patient beds for children and young people.
    • Drug or alcohol treatment services that provide in-patient beds for children and young people.
    • Housing or homelessness services that provides overnight beds for children and young people, such as youth refuges.
    • Child protection services.
    • Out-of-home care services.
    • Government departments providing services to children (including youth justice and corrective services).

    Phase 2 - From 1 January 2018 the scheme will apply to:

    • Religious organisations.
    • Residential facilities of boarding schools.
    • Overnight camps for children.
    • Public, denominational and private hospitals.
    • Other disability service providers that provide services for children, including those registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

    Phase 3 - From 1 January 2019 the scheme will apply to:

    • Approved education and care services (e.g. kindergartens, after hours care services).
    • Children’s services (e.g. occasional care providers).
    • Statutory bodies that have responsibility for children, such as public museums and galleries.


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