JWs have always used non-profit corporations to publish their work, from print to audio and video. So why is their new mega-studio with the Hollywood-sounding name "JW Studios" an LLC, or limited liability company? Doing some searching here are some things I found:
LLCs are not eligible for tax-exempt, or nonprofit, status because of the tax options owners are given to pass-through revenues
I'm also seeing that non-profit LLC's are only allowed in Minnesota, Tennessee and Kentucky, and JW Studios is from New York. HOWEVER, an LLC can be owned and used by a non-profit corporation, like the WTS, which leads to this possible reason:
Use of an LLC by a Nonprofit
To operate a business that is not substantially related to advancing its exempt purpose without exposing itself to revocation of its 501(c)(3) exempt status. This strategy is commonly employed where a nonprofit desires to carry on an unrelated business that is substantial in scope and size.
I am by no means a law expert, I'm just wondering about what they're up to, so if anyone with more knowledge on the subject can enlighten me, thanks.