So i started a new job and take the train everyday into the Downtown core to my office.I have noticed everyday right when you leave the station there is a display case with Watchtower Pamphlets and magazines for the public to take. At first I didnt see the Witnesses standing close by monitoring the display case but one day as I looked over a few feet away I saw a man and a woman dressed in their best field service attire chatting away. I found this a bit odd as when I was a witness we always went door to door. And I find it kinda creepy the way the brothers and sisters stand there close enough to where the display is but far enough away so that the public is not aware that they are watching them. I have noticed this everyday for the last 2 months getting on and off the train and never have I seen them approach anyone to witness they only seem to approach if they see someone go up the display than bam they pounce. So i start thinking I have not had any door to door witness calls in quite a while and i did before but not for the last few years. So for any of you have left recently is this form of witnessing a new thing? Do they still go Door to Door as often or is there new and improved ways of witnessing ?
New ways of Witnessing a bit creepy I think
by Leela1 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
New ways of Witnessing a bit creepy I think
I find it kinda creepy the way the brothers and sisters stand there close enough to where the display is but far enough away so that the public is not aware that they are watching them.
..................Jehovah`s Voyeurs
Village Idiot
So for any of you have left recently is this form of witnessing a new thing? Do they still go Door to Door as often or is there new and improved ways of witnessing ?
I think that the cart work is their new and improved way of witnessing. It's sure more peaceful than the bull horns on top of cars that they once used during Rutherford's reign.