I was at my brother in laws house and seen them on opposite of road so I went and sat on brick fence ahead of their route, as they walked pasted they asked is this your house to which I responded no. I asked what are you selling, then they showed me a tract.
My first question was to this middle aged couple was " what is the youngest age someone in your church gets baptised?" To which the husband said 14 and I asked has he heard of any younger which he denied ( we know Geoffrey Jackson was 11). So I asked is a child in his church free to go and examine other religions without sanctions, to which he replied yes. Then I said if that 14 yo child after being baptised went to another church service to just make sure that the church of their parents was teaching the truth would there be sanctions, I could see them getting uneasy. I pinned them down on the issue by asking if the child would be free to attend family bbq while attending another church. I didn't get angry or agitated I simply tried reasoning that some people would consider getting married at 14 would be unwise based on child's level of maturity. I reasoned that life long binding commitments at 14 seems harsh. I further asked did Jesus's parents shun him when he created his own religion or did John the Baptist get charged with apostasy. I said shunning was once considered pagan practice ( I didn't mention that it was in their own literature). I could see the wife's mind trying to process the info. Just planting seeds.