The end of the world is coming this year, again.
The End of the World is Coming.
by Lost in the fog 5 Replies latest social current
Bungi Bill
One day they will get it right - about 4 billion years from now, when the sun runs out of nuclear fuel!
drats maaaan! 6/24! that's when summer vacation starts! couldn't it wait until September, or at least late August? Bummer!
Bugger, I will have to pack my bags again
Good grief another off balanced psychotic.
He said he can support this cryptic passage with math and visions. In an interview with the Daily Star, Rodrigue said: “I heard a voice in the middle of the four living beings. This is wisdom. He who has intelligence can interpret the figure of the beast. It represents the name of a man. His figure is 666.” He claims by adding the number of crop harvests with the price hike, it should produce the doomsday date.
Good to see the article lists Russell and JWs as being among several who have predicted the end. And on and on it goes.