Sanchy's critique: Nov 2016 Watchtower Study Articles

by Sanchy 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sanchy

    What follows is my critique of the two final study articles from the November 2016 Watchtower. The articles titles are: "Called out of the darkness" and "They broke free from false religion".


    Parr 1

    IN 607 B.C.E., a massive Babylonian army under the command of King Nebuchadnezzar II invaded the city of Jerusalem.

    -Off to a bad start. Historical evidence shows that this event likely took place on 587 b.c.e.

    Parr 6 - Under the heading "IS THERE A MODERN-DAY PARALLEL?"

    Have Christians ever experienced anything comparable to the Babylonian captivity? For many years, this journal suggested that God’s modern-day servants entered into Babylonian captivity in 1918 and that they were released from Babylon in 1919. However, for the reasons that we shall outline in this article and in the one following, a reexamination of the subject was necessary.

    -"Modern Day Parallels?" I thought they weren't doing that anymore unless explicitly indicated in scripture. This according to the March 2015 Watchtower Question from Reader Article which mentioned: "However, even where the Bible indicates that someone is a type of someone else, we should not conclude that every detail or incident in the life of the type is a picture of something greater".

    Parr 7

    On the basis of what they read in the Bible, some among them rejected the unscriptural creeds of the church, but it was dangerous—even fatal—to express such opinions openly.

    Parr 11

    Any dissent from what the church taught was severely punished. Faithful anointed servants of God had to meet together in discreet groups—if they could meet at all

    -Similarly, Jehovah's Witnesses that openly question Watchtower creeds based on "what they read in the Bible" are at risk of being "severely punished" with excommunication, a punishment where they are mercilessly and completely cutoff from family, friends and loved ones.

    Parr 13

    The second notable factor was the decision by a few courageous men at the dawn of the 16th century to translate God’s Word into the languages spoken by the common people. Many translators undertook this work at the risk of their lives. The church was horrified. A Bible in the hands of a God-fearing man or woman could be a dangerous weapon—or so the church leaders feared! And as the Bible became available, people did read it. As they read, they asked questions: [...] From the point of view of the church, this was an outrage. How dare the multitudes question church leaders! The church fought back. Men and women were condemned for heresy because they rejected teachings of the church

    -The internet has had a similar effect in our days. Concrete and reasonable counter-arguments to WT doctrine have become widespread and easy to access. The result has been a marked slowdown in growth within developed countries, as well as an increase in member exits.

    Parr 14

    Many who thirsted for Bible truth fled to countries where the influence of the church was less pervasive. They wanted to read and study and converse with one another without being told what to think.

    -JWs are constantly told "what to think" when it comes to matters in faith and even everyday life. "Independent thinking" is discouraged and framed as a "worldly trait".


    Parr 3

    God-fearing men and women knew what they must do. They could not expect to receive God’s blessing if they continued to support false religious organizations.[...] But in many countries in the late 1800’s, the church was beginning to lose the backing of the State. Without fear of reprisals in such countries, citizens were free to discuss religious matters and to disagree openly with the established churches.

    -JWs whose conscience tell them they can no longer support the organization are NOT free to discuss the 'matters nor to disagree openly' with JW dogma. Doing so can lead them to excommunication and a cutoff from family/loved ones.

    Parr 4

    The Bible Students understood that it was not enough for them to inform relatives, close friends, and church members of their stand on false religion. The whole world needed to see Babylon the Great for what it is—a religious prostitute

    -Similarly today, exJWs worldwide are forming communities with the intention of showing the "whole world" the Watchtower for "what it really is": a tyrannical cult-like organization head that expects complete and unquestioned devotion with severe punishment for those that don't comply.

    Parr 5

    In years gone by, we believed that Jehovah became displeased with his people because they did not have a zealous share in the preaching work during World War I[...] A more accurate understanding of our theocratic history has led to a clearer comprehension of certain events recorded in the Bible.

    -In other words: We were wrong, yet again, on yet another subject; but, hey, "new light"!

    Parr 6

    in actual fact, the Bible Students who were on hand during World War I (1914-1918) gave a tremendous witness during that time [...] First of all, the main work being done in those days involved the distribution of Bible literature. When the book The Finished Mystery

    -...when the book The Finished Mystery was released, it included many obviously erroneous and extremely wacky teachings and ideas. You can find a a nice list of some of the crazy explanations from the book compiled a few years back by Alfred here.

    Parr 14

    Malachi 3:1-3 describes the time—from 1914 to early 1919—when the anointed “sons of Levi” would undergo a period of refinement.

    -A clear eisegesis with no reason given to prove that said scripture applies to said date other than a 'because we say so'.

    Parr 14

    In 1919, a “faithful and discreet slave” was appointed to provide spiritual food to the household of faith.

    -.... and immediately proceeded to begin a worldwide campaign entitled "Millions now Living, will Never Die", a campaign which foretold that the faithful "men of old" would be resurrected in 1925 and begin ruling over the earth.

    Parr 15

    Multitudes of sincere individuals are still being held captive by false religion. They need to be shown the way out. We can guide them. By all means, then, in imitation of our brothers in the past century, let us do all we can to help them get free!

    -Its okay for others to leave their religion, but, if any JW were to attempt the same, they'd be severely punished as mentioned before.

    -Let's reword it: Multitudes of sincere individuals are still being held captive by Watchtower. They need to be shown the way out. We can guide them. By all means, then, [...] let us do all we can to help them get free!

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  • konceptual99

    The irony level of this article is one of the highest ever known.

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  • aboveusonlysky

    The hypocrisy is astounding, excellent analysis sanchy, well done.

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  • Listener

    Great review Sanchy, there's an important footnote that I overlooked when I first read the article. It gives a little insight as to their new way of thinking.

    I'll post it when I get on my computer unless someone posts it in the meantime.

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  • Listener

    This is the Endnote in the November 2016 Watchtower

    ENDNOTE: [1] (paragraph 14) There are many similarities between the Jewish captivity of 70 years in Babylon and what happened to Christians after the apostasy developed. However, the Jewish captivity does not appear to be a prophetic type of what happened to Christians. For one thing, the length of captivity is different. So we should not try to look for prophetic parallels in every detail of the Jewish captivity as if these should somehow apply to what happened to anointed Christians in the years leading up to 1919.

    The words they have used here are so wishy-washy, as if they are not sure of whether the Jewish captivity was a prophetic type or not. But didn't they use that as part of their calculation for 1914?

    They say it 'does not appear to be a prophetic type". Either it does or it doesn't but they're not really sure, in the past they were sure that it did.

    They also say that 'we should not try to look for prophetic parallels in every detail". For a start, we are not the ones doing this, the Governing Body is the only one doing so. If they're not sure whether it is a prophetic type in the first place then they shouldn't be looking for any prophetic parallels. Where do they begin to draw the line of what is a prophetic parallel or not? They've given themselves liscense to continue to make up and reject anything they want and the r&f have no idea where they stand on any prophecy being supposedly fulfilled in these last days.

    They really have lost the plot and their doctrines simply blow whatever way they say the wind is blowing.
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  • Darkknight757

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  • Darkknight757

    Great critique!! This article just makes no sense. I've only been in the org 20 years and clearly remember there being a time of near inactivity for the Borg. To change history now makes no sense unless they want to test the loyalty of the current sheeple. And then to say the the book, "Finished Mystery" was any kind of spiritual light is just retarded. That book is a complete joke, void of anything beneficial to a Borg member today.

    edit: Then the endnote: no words for that but WAT??????

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  • SAHS

    IN 607 B.C.E., a massive Babylonian army under the command of King Nebuchadnezzar II invaded the city of Jerusalem.” “IS THERE A MODERN-DAY PARALLEL?”

    How could there possibly be any “parallel” to something which was based on a totally false premise to begin with? The WT’s teachings are based on a flimsy house of cards. Take any one of their foundation cards out (i.e., 607 BCE / 1914 AD), and their whole fabricated little set of dogma falls apart instantly.

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