I can not find this ,does anyone know? Thanks.
What publication has the beliefe that Jesus is the mediator for only the 144k?
by mickbobcat 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Have you tried using the 'search' bar? I was going to find something for you but there is too much to choose from. I just typed in - Jesus mediator for only 144,000, try that or something on that order
One "publication" is the NWT. At 1Ti 2:4 the NWT renders "all" (Greek pas) as "all sorts of." The WT would argue that "all sorts of" is a legitimate way of translating this. And they would be technically correct. Lexicons do include this as one way to render pas, depending on its context.
But consider 2Pe 3:9 where the NWT renders, God ... "desires all (Greek pas) to attain to repentance."
Why is the NWT OK with God 'desiring ALL to attain to repentance' in 2Pe 3:9, but in 1Ti 2:4 God's "will is that ALL SORTS OF people should be saved ..."?
The reason is that in 1Ti 2:5 the arrangement for "men" to be saved is given: "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus ..."
WT can't have "ALL" in 1Ti 2:4 because that would mean that the New Covenant (of which Jesus is the mediator) is open to ALL humans. WT theology says that it is only open to 144,000. Thus, "ALL SORTS OF" subtly gets around that thorny little problem. (1Ti 2:4-5 would also argue that ALL should partake at the Lord's Evening Meal. But that is an aside.)
This is one of the subtle distortions of the NWT. Yet WT would argue that "all sorts of" is technically possible as a rendering. And they would be correct, technically speaking. But what they are really doing is 'making the word of God invalid due to their tradition.' (Mr 7:9) And they are doing it with great 'skill' as Mr 7:9 says. They are every bit as skillful as the Pharisees were.
The new covenant is for forgiveness of sin everlasting life, not immortality. it was concluded by partaking of the emblems (with people of an earthly hope), not the outpouring of the spirit.
wr confuses the new nd th kingdom covenant.
All of israel was in the "old" covenant, only Levi and Judah in their special status, kingdom covenant.
Previous edit was while on the move, but here are some quotes. Note that after the 1990s, the topic is largely ignored so as not to attract attention to the (apparently controversial) issue:
Insight, vol. 2, p. 362:
Those for Whom Christ Is Mediator. The apostle Paul declares that there is “one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all”—for both Jews and Gentiles. (1Ti 2:5, 6) He mediates the new covenant between God and those taken into the new covenant, the congregation of spiritual Israel. (Heb 8:10-13; 12:24; Eph 5:25-27) Christ became Mediator in order that the ones called “might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance” (Heb 9:15); he assists, not the angels, but “Abraham’s seed.” (Heb 2:16) He assists those who are to be brought into the new covenant to be ‘adopted’ into Jehovah’s household of spiritual sons; these eventually will be in heaven as Christ’s brothers, becoming a part with him of the seed of Abraham. (Ro 8:15-17, 23-25; Ga 3:29) He has transmitted to them the promised holy spirit, with which spirit they are sealed and are given a token of what is to come, their heavenly inheritance. (2Co 5:5; Eph 1:13, 14) The total number of those who are finally and permanently sealed is revealed in Revelation 7:4-8 as 144,000.
Insight, vol. 2, p. 858:Moses prophetically foreshadowed Jesus Christ, the great Mediator for anointed Christians, as they approach heavenly Mount Zion.
The Watchtower, 15 January 2015, p. 16:Jesus is the Mediator of the new covenant, and loyal anointed ones taken into it receive a heavenly inheritance.
The Watchtower, 1 September 1996, p. 14:This small, spirit-anointed group of Christians would later be joined by “a great crowd” from all nations who would also seek to worship Jehovah. (Revelation 7:9, 10; Zechariah 8:23) While not party to the new covenant, these too would be bound by law.
The Watchtower, 15 August 1989, p. 30–31:Questions From Readers
The Watchtower, 1 January 1985, p. 19:
□ Is Jesus the Mediator only for spirit-anointed Christians or for all mankind, since 1 Timothy 2:5, 6 speaks of him as the “mediator” who “gave himself a corresponding ransom for all”?
[Entire article; short answer, yes.]Jesus Christ is the Mediator of the new covenant and anointed Christians in it are called to inherit the Kingdom.
The Watchtower, 1 April 1979, p. 31:Questions From Readers
Of course, it can't be demonstrated that any of this is actually real, so it's not worth worrying about too much. But it is certainly the case that JWs officially believe that Jesus is mediator (at the very least, in some 'fullest sense') to only the 'anointed'.
● Is Jesus the “mediator” only for anointed Christians?
[Entire article; short answer, yes.] -
This whole concept is an exercise in cognitive dissonance. First the Watchtower splits the baby under Rutherford. Rutherford realizes that the number of Witnesses world wide is exceeding Russell's 144,000. Rutherford realizes that a new carrot has to be fashioned. What do we get? The Great Crowd of Other Sheep!
However, now that the Watchtower is on the hook for the New Covenant only applying to 144,000 going to heaven. So Jesus sacrifice seems to be reduced in benefit. The waters get a little more murky.
This is a great example of how all Abrahamic religions (Judeo-Christian-Islamic) are not "truth" or at least eternal truth that is of value. Truth is this context is like an IP address. It comes in two formats - static and dynamic.
For Abrahamic religions truth is dynamic. The goal posts keep getting moved. What was good enough for salvation from God's wrath one day is no longer good the next and so on. When the goal posts get moved, those in charge double down on the change and decry "heretic!" to anyone who disagrees.
I guess the question comes down to this, what do the GB cult mean by mediator? So if you pray to god does this go through Jesus and by mediator does that mean that only in the dissemination of spiritual ideas and thought? What exactly does Mediation mean in this GB world?