an old guy I knew was disfellowshipped

by jwbot 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwbot

    It was weird to hear it from my brother (an actual sibling brother, hehe) that an old man in their congregation, who was an elder as long as I knew him. And a very kind, sweet, funny man, was disfellowshipped. I am trying to figure out why. I do not think it would have been because of the usual reasons (affair, smoking, what have you) because of the type of guy he is (but of course, we never really KNOW someone). Then I was thinking, maybe it was apostacy?

    I was thinking how great that would be, a former elder..maybe his conscience got to him and he just had to leave?

    Well then my brother informs me that he is "on the road to recovery" BS. Well that sucks now, it couldn't have been apostacy. After knowing the truth about "the troof", why would one go back?

    So I am just confused.

  • czarofmischief

    Maybe he just got tired of living with a dub woman and demanded a blow job. "Take your teef out woman and gum it! Gum it, I say!" and when he hit her, she went to the elders, and he got diffed, not for hitting her but for asking for a blow job...


  • jwbot


  • czarofmischief

    He should have prayed more - then maybe she'd have gone down.


  • jwbot


    I need to post more so I can stop being a newbie.


  • herk

    When I was in my teens I knew a circuit overseer and his wife who went through Gilead to serve as missionaries. Recently I heard that they came back to the U.S. about 20 years ago due to health problems. In his old age he became senile. His wife never did, but he made some accusations against the organization and during the meetings he told the elders several times to shut up. As a result of his making those statements due to senility, they were BOTH gradually abandoned by their congregation, even after serving the organization faithfully for several decades. They might just as well have been disfellowshiped for all the attention they got from their so-called "brothers and sisters in the truth." Since they received only a small pension, couldn't affort a car, and she couldn't drive, they lived out their lives like prisoners in their small shack of a home where the climate is very hot and humid in the summertime. If it wasn't for the kindness of church people in their neighbourhood, their lives would have ended even more tragically.


    In the ballroom scene in Saskatoon, I used to see a BrotherTM out dancing. He was quite a lot older than me. He had developed a crush on this woman....she was WorldlyTM. He even brought her to a convention once. His heart was breaking as he desired this woman on the one hand....and was too scared to leave the dubs on the other hand. Poor guy. Whenever I saw him, I just felt sooo sorry for him.

    I don't know for sure what happened to him. Once I got disfellowshipped (for having an affair with my WorldlyTM dance partner), those two were not together any more. He also disappeared from the dance scene. So I figure he, being old and set in his ways, just would not make the transition into the WorldTM with any grace... The JW fear has quite a stronghold on older people, I have noticed. Maybe because it is such an ingrained life pattern after all those years....

    I certainly admire the fellow you posted about....for having the courage to let himself get disfellowshipped! I wonder if he'll ever land on this forum...? Maybe if he know how to use a computer....? It would be cool hearing his story.


  • Panda

    Herk, That is sooo typical of what happens in the borg. People don't have children so they can serve the WTS. Then w/o family to look after them, they are easily forgotten.

    "Tin can at my feet, think I'll kick it down the street, that's the way to treat a friend."

  • Gadget

    One of the signs of the true religion is the love that would be shown. So a guy spends all of his life folloing the wbts Jehovah, then because of one little thing when he gets older everything is lost, no matter what he done in the past. Sounds very loving to me.


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