Fourty years ago NASA sent two probes that were to go on a mission ,Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 in two trajectories through our Solar System getting what information they could from the planets they passed close by.
40 years later they surpassed all expectations and are still sending signals back to earth.
Voyager 1 has actually gone into what is termed interstellar space that is it has exited our Solar system free from the constraints of our own Sun having travelled some 13 Billion miles from Earth
Voyager 2 which was on a different trajectory will soon itself leave our Solar System and go into Interstella space having travelled some 11 Billion miles from earth so far.
Both of these satellites/probes carry messages from the world of humans / governments to whoever might find it (Alien life forms ) if they exist and find these probes.
My attention is drawn to the Bible account of the Tower of Babel which really couldn`t have been that high seriously.and yet Jehovah God felt threatened by what man could achieve if they had one universal language ?
What must he be thinking now I wonder ?
Hang on he did act before the Tower of Babel was completed did he not ?
The Voyager Missions have been going on for 40 years and reaching Interstellar Space.?
And their is no GOD intervening with that project .!