This was inspired by a recent post by Nike and the comments that followed re gender balance in the org.
If JW's accept the concept that the GB continue to push - that people only become believers if they are "rightly disposed" and are thereby "drawn by God."
Then given the huge gender imbalance and also the huge differences in percentages of JW in some lands vss others only two things can possible follow from that:
1. Women are much more likely to have the right heart attitude than men. (meaning men are more imperfect or there is some design flaw in the male psyche when it comes to spirituality?) And certain races are more likely to have the right heart attitude than others. For example white anglo-saxons in Western countries (where the ratio of JW to population is 1:300) vss Asians (where in Bangladesh for example the ratio is 1:1,000,000 or,
2. Genders/races are equally likely to have a good heart but GOD is simply gender biased and racist and selects more of some groups than others.
P.S. It would be interesting to take that further and find out what the gender and racial balance of the "anointed" is! I suspect that the anointed remnant of this century have been predominantly anglo saxon males???