Most , if not all of JW`s expect it to be Paradise ,immediately.
How wrong can they be.
8 billion + corpses lying around , oh thats right Jehovah the magician will fix that with a wave of his wing.
Their will not be education above 4th grade as higher education is frowned upon.
Women will be restricted to sewing weaving and looking after their husbands needs , and looking after all the children being born to her husband and being in subjection to him.
How many women are in high profile positions in the world today ,including leaders of Countries ,and other positions of power and influence ,even in male dominated fields of bygone years .
That will all be gone in the New System ,where women will be put in their place.
Children will be forbidden from compettitive sports as thats not permitted anymore , no more TV games ,no more video games , no more just about anything that normal teenagers engage in today.
And no more TV except JW.ORG TV worldwide with no other channells
With higher education off the table society is going to slowly sink back to the dark ages and even the stone age.
Think about it
No research in anything , not medical , scientific ,the Arts Music ,literature ,paintings Space ,Astronomy etc.etc.,simply because its not necessary now , why ? because Jehovah is going to wave his big wing and make them all unneccessary .
Unlike what the majority of JW`s think , that they can just move into this house or that , it`s just not the case , the GB will be controlling every move they make , just as they do now only then it will be much worse.
What do they try to control now. :Dress code ? , Women cant wear slacks ,length of dress ,no tattoos , no denim ,jeans and lycra , and even restrictions on how much makeup is appropiate, Men are counselled about hair styles ,tight pants , pointy shoes ,colours of shirts ,socks ,etc.? I`m sure you can list many more restrictions that are put on Jehovahs Witnesses now ,what do you think would happen in the so called new system ? It would much be worse .
You think the Taliban is bad , ISIS ,and Sharia law , wait to you get into the new system ," You aint seen nothing yet"
Please list other things I have failed to reveal that wont be a part of the new system Paradise.
I look forward to your comments.