Just watching the Jonathan Ross show and actor Luke Evans said he was raised a JW. He used to go from door to door in Wales. It says on his Wikipedia page he left the religion at sixteen. He obviously didn't want to talk about it and Jonathan didn't push him.
Luke Evans was raised a JW
by Xanthippe 4 Replies latest social entertainment
So, Zeus and Apollo were raised JW in the UK? hahahaha -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
He obviously didn't want to talk about it and Jonathan didn't push him.
Did it sound like he regretted leaving? Maybe he received a memorial invite and "Return to Joe Hoover" brochure and is thinking about going back to WT?
If so, he'd have to stop smoking... and leave his boyfriend.Just doesn't look to me to be the type to waste much of his time or thoughts on WT.
No Billy I didnt think it sounded like he regretted leaving. I thought after reading his Wiki page saying he left school and the JWs at 16 he probably left home as well because of the homophobia. That may be what Ross knew not to push, the way his family treated him when he said he was gay. -
@ Mandrake...
Don't forget Dracula and Bard the Bowman.