For those of you who missed it, last night on 'South Park' when thousands of people had died and were about to meet Satan in hell, one of them asked "Why am I here? I was a faithfull protestant my entire life!" The demon answered "Oh I'm sorry, that was the wrong religion." Another person said "What about me? I was a devout Jehovah's Witness!!" "nope, sorry they were wrong too." They all asked who was the right one, and he said "I'm afraid that 'Mormon' was the correct answer...yes Mormons go to heaven". I about laughed my butt of. Jehovah's Witnesses were in hell.
Mormons go to heaven!!
by SlayerLayer 1 Replies latest jw friends
slayer, that episode is one of my favorite southparks. i about pissed myself the first time i saw the bit about which religion goes to heaven
thnx for reminding to watch the rerun on sunday evening.