NY Tribunal Rejects Fuel Tax Refund For Religious Group

by Rattigan350 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Rattigan350


    NY Tribunal Rejects Fuel Tax Refund For Religious Group

    By Abraham Gross · July 16, 2020, 4:41 PM EDT

    A New York nonprofit religious organization can't claim a tax refund for dyed diesel fuel purchases it made related to the construction of its world headquarters in the state, the New York Tax Appeals Tribunal ruled Thursday.

    In its consolidated decision, the tribunal upheld an administrative law judge ruling that denied Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York's 2015 claim for a refund of tax on petroleum businesses, saying that the organization couldn't claim the exemption for dyed diesel sold to nonprofits. The petroleum businesses tax is passed through to purchasers as part of the selling price.

    The judge said the organization was disqualified from the exemption because the fuel trucks that received the fuel from suppliers and subsequently fueled the construction equipment were also capable of fueling nonexempt motor vehicles, even if the organization did not allow it.

    The organization argued that interpretation was too narrow and would make it impossible to claim the exemption. The tribunal, however, agreed with the judge's interpretation of the limitation and said the exemption could still be claimed if a supplier directly fueled the equipment instead of depositing the fuel into an intermediary owned by the nonprofit, such as a fuel truck.

    As a result, the tribunal upheld the denial of a $67,000 refund for the period of Sept. 1, 2013, through Dec. 31, 2014, a $65,000 refund for the 2015 calendar year and an $11,000 refund for 2016.

    The case is In the Matter of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc., case numbers 827916 and 828547, in the New York State Tax Appeals Tribunal.

    --Editing by Robert Rudinger.
  • nowwhat?

    "Surely we see jehovahs hand in the matter!"


    Sadly, they can still afford to pay that/absorb the costs. What did going to court cost them???

    My biggest gripe with the WT is that it’s not like they need that money to help all the aging Dubs who sacrificed their health for the Cult, or all the younger Dubs who might have cancer, or helping with medical expenses for the R&F. They just want that $$$ for MOTHER..


  • jonahstourguide

    Joe Hoovers hand wasn't in it because it was only $143,000.
    'Missed it by that much' according to Maxwell Smart.


  • smiddy3

    Good news . Now if only the New York Tax Tribunal could also see that the WTB&TS is really a Real Estate Enterprise first and foremost posing as a religion to claim Tax Exemptions .

    Isn`t this a Tax scam of some sort ?

    Taking into consideration their Kingdom Hall Trust Funds where Congregations hand over deeds and titles in exchange for waivering loans owing only to have the same congregations vote to continue to dedicate the same amount of $$$$ to the Organization in a Resolution indefinitely.

  • hoser

    Fucking Hypocrites.

    A few decades ago a farm family that was studying were driving their farm truck to meetings with farm plates and dyed fuel. They had a big meeting with the elders, circuit overseer and District overseer to see if one of the teenage kids was allowed to get baptized because of the dyed fuel.(You can’t make this shit up)

    I think they quit attending after that as the Pharisees decreed that they were supposed to buy another (4 door) vehicle for (spiritual) activities and buy more expensive unmarked fuel for that car..

  • Justaguynamedmorph

    As much as i like to point out org hypocrisy, i think they got screwed on this one.

    Near as i can tell, the courts decision was based on the fact that the org had fuel delivered but did not have the fuel directly delivered to individual vehicles. Instead they filled a fuel truck and had one of their slaves, i mean “volunteers” fuel individual vehicles as needed.

    knowing NY as i do, this decision seems to be tailored to ass kissing the unions who hate the idea of the org using slave labor, i mean “volunteers”, instead of union labor. The courts only beef was that, in theory, the wt slave, i mean “volunteer”, could have fuel on road vehicles surreptitiously and therefore the tax is warranted. Its really thin. The unions want that job, NY isnt a fan of the WT per say, and there was likely some pressure to stick it to them and make them pay the fuel tax.

    Im not crying any tears for them, they get away with paying no taxes on whole lot of other money, they use slave labor and enrich the selves when they sell the buildings they built on the backs of their followers, but i think this decisions was wrong.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Justaguynamedmorph At first looking at this, I will agree with you that Wt "could" have gotten screwed on this. I don't have an opinion on the Union side of it. I know the unions didn't like WT having their own crane operators that didn't have State licenses and made them get at least one State "licensed" crane operator. The practical test was on a Union owned crane at their training center. I don't think that is a big issue of "freedom of religion". It was a state law regardless of religion of the state protecting workers in general.
    I used to purchase for my company diesel fuel for off road use in construction equipment. Even before the dyes started in 1994, we just kept a log and filled out a form to substantiate where we were using the untaxed fuel, ie. in a Dozer moving dirt, farm tractor etc. Before 1994, if you had a permit to purchase non-taxable fuel, it was the same diesel non-colored fuel as taxable fuel and reporting was based on the honesty system.
    Then after 1994, in the came the dyes and distrust. Green dye is used for on road diesel fuel and it shows it has been taxed. Red dyed fuel is purchased without the highway tax being paid and if caught with red dyed fuel in a highway truck the penalties are substantial, $10,000 per incident and loss of permit. We just had a spiral notebook that we recorded the gallons for the bulk fuel purchased for off road use and never had any questions from the fuel tax man. It was mostly based on the honesty system.

    I suppose in this situation WT purchased the green "on road" taxed diesel fuel and were applying for a refund based that they had used it for off road purposes. Totally legitimate. The New York tax for on road fuel is .076 per dollar or 7.6%. Basically, WT has claimed they had spent close to a $1,000,000 on diesel fuel that should not have been taxed. Just saying, at $3.50 a gallon they are claiming they used 286,000 gallons of diesel fuel building Tuxedo, NY". I would be skeptical also as the tax court was and deny a refund. I don't see that as a realistic number. Especially since they used numerous outside "worldly" contractors who purchased their own fuel and charged WT on a lump sum price.

    P.S. Note to the WatchTower Tax Lords. On your next project, have a truck dedicated for and only used for refueling off road machinery and purchase the fuel upfront for off-road-use. Oh, that truck is going to cost about $175,000. Shoot, WT, somebody has to pay the man, and your not big enough not to. BTW, Many companies that I have worked for just pay the fuel tax and pass it on to the customer because they don't want to get bogged down in paperwork. Oh, that's right, WT doesn't pay anything for their slave labor other than food and shelter.


    Look, the WT is always trying to hustle and save a dime because they think they are better than EVERYONE ELSE ON THE WHOLE EARTH... So.... F**K Them...

    They’ve gotten away with so much shit for decades, so now they lose a little cash??? Who cares? Screw them, it’s not like they were actually going to help anyone with that money. It was probably destined for Tomo’s booze fund. After all, being a Galactic Hero in the making is thirsty business..


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