Manufactured conflict and the media

by Coded Logic 9 Replies latest social current

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Manufactured outrage. False equivalence. Every issues has "two sides". Etc. I can hardly turn on the news anymore without feeling my blood starting to boil. I watch the news because I want to be informed on what's going on in the world - not because I want to be dumbed down by talking heads reacting to the latest press conference or publicity stunt.

    Whatever happened to investigative journalism? Whatever happened to going out and getting the story? It seems to me all the major networks do these days is sit on their ass' while waiting for some government employee to hand them a press release or go "live" to a rally.

    Having a waiter bring you a candy bar from the vending machine isn't cooking. And waiting for the white house or some campaign surrogate to dispense a pre-manufactured piece of propaganda is not journalism!

    News networks should seek to inform us - the viewer - with the most accurate information they have at their disposal. And they absolutely shouldn't expose us to an endless parade of BS artists and campaign apologists in the name of "fairness". It's okay to present peoples OPINIONS fairly. But when it comes to FACTS - "fairness" should always yield to accuracy. And substance should always trump analysis.


  • prologos

    you can always try different ones and stick with BBC, people in Europe did, in EE2.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Or PBS/NPR

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    TV is as democratic as anything can get. CNN, and any business, will do whatever attracts viewers. Don't blame the executives that run the TV networks, blame the public who votes (watches) for that kind of programming.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    CNN is just a megaphone for the republicans. All day long they broadcast the GOPs talking points and feign there's something actually meaningful there to address.

  • steve2

    Aljazeera has several in-depth news stories and discussions.

  • Simon

    I do get sick of the news media that thinks "fairness" is giving both sides equal airtime. Some don't deserve it and abuse the privilege to just spout off more nonsense and regurgitate more of the candidates lies without ever addressing the issues.

    Every time, "So what did Trump mean when he said XYZ" ... "Well, Hillary Clinton, Emails, Ben-GHAAAAAAZZZZIIII!!!!!!". Yawn.

    Someone shut them up. They already have their own propaganda outlets to use.

    Fair and balanced reporting is getting to the facts and the truth, not airing opinions as though the claims from each side are at all equivalent.

    Can't wait for this thing to be over and CNN to go back to talking about MH-370.

  • fulltimestudent
    Quote: News networks should seek to inform us - the viewer - with the most accurate information they have at their disposal.

    Smile - nice in theory, but in practise, they function to enable the sale of advertising opportunities, so they are finely tune to attract the largest possible audience

  • redvip2000

    CNN is just a megaphone for the republicans. All day long they broadcast the GOPs talking points and feign there's something actually meaningful there to address.

    You mean Fox news. CNN leans left.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    CNN isn't as overt about it as Fox but it's to the same effect. The Republican talking points are always front and center on CNN. The issue of Syrian refugees is always pushed to the side. The issue of Global Warming might get 30 seconds of airtime on a good day. Trump surrogates get to weigh in on every single issue.

    How Fox news presents its news is blatantly bias. But what CNN chooses to present as news shows it bias.

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