Manufactured outrage. False equivalence. Every issues has "two sides". Etc. I can hardly turn on the news anymore without feeling my blood starting to boil. I watch the news because I want to be informed on what's going on in the world - not because I want to be dumbed down by talking heads reacting to the latest press conference or publicity stunt.
Whatever happened to investigative journalism? Whatever happened to going out and getting the story? It seems to me all the major networks do these days is sit on their ass' while waiting for some government employee to hand them a press release or go "live" to a rally.
Having a waiter bring you a candy bar from the vending machine isn't cooking. And waiting for the white house or some campaign surrogate to dispense a pre-manufactured piece of propaganda is not journalism!
News networks should seek to inform us - the viewer - with the most accurate information they have at their disposal. And they absolutely shouldn't expose us to an endless parade of BS artists and campaign apologists in the name of "fairness". It's okay to present peoples OPINIONS fairly. But when it comes to FACTS - "fairness" should always yield to accuracy. And substance should always trump analysis.