JW WatchTower stop using the phrase BIBLE STUDY so dishonestly

by techpal 6 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • techpal
    Bible Study

    1. the Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments.

    1. 1.
      the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject, especially by means of books.
    1. 1.
      facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

    BIBLE STUDY does not go together. Unless you want to misinform and PRETEND that its factual which is not because has been demonstrated and verified that any of the claims your book makes is factual that is why your book has been rejected and discarded by many thousands through peer review of research papers.

    Knowledge is a justified belief, whiles your knowledge is unjustified and asserted without REASON let alone evidence.

    Seeing is believing, but believing is not same as KNOWING. Where knowing something is said to be knowledge.

    Stop using it, because it is nothing less than telling people LIES

    I also want to know where I can find out what your statement of faith actually is as a single paragraph in your own words what you represent and how you view anything that contradicts your set of beliefs.

    May I suggest your call these bible studies as "bible assertion studies" - Which means asserting what the bible claims with no evidence or reason to make someone convinced that it is verifiable true without question. Because that is what all bible studies amount too, apologists trying to re-informance and trying to rationalize total bs.

    Aron Ra - "pretending to know what you DON'T KNOW".

    AronRa - "Science does not know everything, however Religion does not know ANYTHING".

    AronRa - "Real accurate information has practical applications, whiles religious faith DOESN'T".

  • techpal

    Jehovah Witness?

    You did not witness anything, you subscribed to because someone told you saw by using the carrot and the stick, threatening you with a fate worse than death if you refuse to convert when you die. Even your organisation name is dishonest because you know full well that none of you personally witnessed your God just like all the 30 prophets in the Bible pretending to speak for God when no one was looking to supposedly get messages/revelations from God.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    hi Tec--welcome to the site
  • oppostate
    These "Bible Studies" are actually "Bible Interpretation by the Governing Body and Their Helpers Studies"
  • Giordano

    So let me see if I can simplify this.

    Society...... stop with the BS!!!

  • Lieu
    Ok, Athiests have opinions too.
  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Welcome Techpal, I know where you are coming from.

    People imagine they will learn about the Bible when offered a Study with JWs. As you point out, "Bible study" is not what they get. What does transpire is a lure to come into the JW fold and false promise of a magic paradise on the basis of some of the contents of the Bible.

    All they get is JW indoctrination which leads to split families, medication for the cognitive dissonance and a lifetime of delusion and disappointment.

    Never accept the offer of a Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses!

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