Why was this question deleted on yahoo answers 10 times in a row???!!!! I contacted yahoo answers rep and disputed this issue. Ridiculous!!!
Witnesses: Is the Sethite view something you
would benefit from?
is the Sethite view not accepted in your beliefs
since it is CONSISTENT with your NWT
interpretation of Psalm 82:1-" ' You are gods*, And all of you are sons of the Most High (God)' " When you hit on the asterisk (using the 2012 Watchtower Library), you will notice the following interpretations: Or, “godlike ones.” Heb., ʼelo·him′; Gr., the·oi′; Syr.,daʼ·la·hin; Lat., di′i; T, “like angels/ human judges.”
Why is Genesis 6:4 the exception here? Why not use the T-TARGUM ONKELOS, “like angels/ human judges interpretation in Genesis 6:4 like you did in Psalm 82:1?
Why is the word "elohim" interpreted as "like angels"? there are no texts in the Hebrew Bible that call Israel’s judges/humans elohim (like angels, godlike, humans). It is actually a different Hebrew word all together.