Hi Everyone: Here are some fascinating facts about one of our 'cousins' on the evolutionary scale. This is fairly short and fun to read. We are closer to evolution than many realize!!!
"Chimpanzees are NOT monkeys. The Chimpanzee is humankind's closest ""living"" relative and a member of the great ape family, which also includes gorillas and orangutangs. Chimpanzees and humans are a "sibling species" -- two species that are virtually identical in their genetic makeup. Chimps share 98.4% of human DNA.
"Wild chimpanzees are indigenous only to Africa, can have a life-span of more than 50 years, and weigh up to 200 pounds. Note: Chimpanzees have demonstrated cooperative problem-solving, the representational use of numbers, and the ability to comprehend and use language, including proper syntax!
"As with humans, the mother-infant bond among Chimpanzees is extremely close. The Chimpanzee mother nurses her infant for four to five years. [The same as ancient human women have done, such as Israelite mothers.] The growing chimpanzee child then spends a prolonged childhood, until age ten or eleven, living with his or her family.
"Wild chimpanzees make and use a variety of tools for gathering and preparing food. For example, the Chimpanzees of West Africa practice a stone tool culture. Their hammers and anvils, used to crack hard nuts, are similar to the tools of our own hominid ancestors!
"Chimpanzees seek out and use certain plants medicinally, to treat symptoms of various illnesses. Scientists following Chimpanzees in the rainforest have been led to a variety of formerly unknown plant species that have pharmaceutical uses ranging from antibiotics to antiviral agents." [Source: http://www.cwu.edu/~cwuchci/kinfaq.html]
Fascinating ... perhaps Chimps are more of the proverbial 'missing link' than fundys like to believe! - Jim Whitney