Great way to show the world your not extremists.

by pleaseresearch 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pleaseresearch

    I really don't know what to expect of this. They are being labelled extremists in Russia and are close to being banned. So the show that they aren't extremists they encourage all JW's worldwide to bombard the Kremlin and Court with millions on letters.


  • JW_Rogue

    LOL, I get what your saying but writing letters hardly qualifies as extreme. Many groups already would have started such campaigns a long time ago. The fact that they all waited until HQ gave the signal just shows that they are under thought control.

  • bohm

    The goal is not to affect Kremlin, which they can't in either case, but to use this as a PR opportunity. It is no coincidence that JWTV and their literature is so full of stories of JWs being oppressed in Russia under Soviet rule as this serves several purposes

    • Reinforce the basic narrative JWs are oppressed/persecuted by "Satan"
    • That worldly political systems cannot be trusted; that current stability/freedom can quickly be taken away
    • That events in the first part of the 20th century are connected to today's events, i.e. 1914 is not that far away as this is all one continious unfolding of persecution fitting nicely into their view of world history (this is one more reason why they use older JWs, asides the obvious emotional appeal)

    Letter-writing is IMO quite brilliant as it makes it very personal to those who write these letters, the letters can be read on assemblies, and it makes it seem like JWs care more about other JWs than anyone else.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    The fact that they all waited until HQ gave the signal just shows that they are under thought control.

    Excellent point. If a single JW were to suggest that others write letters then he would have been reprimanded for running "ahead of Jehovah's chariot".


    Letter-writing is IMO quite brilliant as it makes it very personal to those who write these letters, the letters can be read on assemblies, and it makes it seem like JWs care more about other JWs than anyone else......bohm

    The fact that they all waited until HQ gave the signal just shows that they are under thought control.....JW_Rogue

    The fact that they all waited until HQ gave the signal shows.

    1)..JW`s care more about WatchTower, than Fellow JW`s..

    Not even JW Family or Friends are as important as WatchTower to JW`s


    Nothing happens in WatchTower World without..

    WatchTowers Stamp of Approval.

    Image result for stamp of approval

  • venus

    Massive letter-writing campaign would rather backfire because resorting to such force means acknowledging that other reasonable means would not work. Such tactics would work with small countries like Malavi, not with a Super Power that would take all its decision in terms of its prestige. If world opinion did matter to Russsia, they would have acted differently with Crimea

  • smiddy

    JW`s are just one of many religions , because of their literature percieved as being extremist and shunning procedures against members because of not living up to WTB&TS expectations

    They are not singled out on their own ,many doomsday sects are treated just the same.

    Are JW`s a doomsday sect ? of course they are they have been predicting it for the past 100+ years in one form or another .

  • tor1500


    I'm a witness, I'm not sending no letter to Russia about nothing...the org. wants me to remain neutral I will stand and stay....I can't even write or contact my local gov't agent or run for a spot on the board of where I live to make sure things are right, but yet they are ok with me writing to another gov't about ....who knows what...oh please, please Mr. Putin, "Let my people PREACH OR LET'EM GO"....

    Can't sign any petitions that may benefit all people one day, yep even witnesses.....

    Basically a person's letter should just state, we want to speak to people about God's word and then let them decide if they will accept it or not....Let the people choose....but Russia and The JW's have something in common..."No Freedom of speech here, if you do, we are watching you"...JW's would be the best religion for Russia, they both like to control....imagine if the Russian Gov't and The GB's got about taking over the world...they live by the same that's Pinky and the Brain at it's best....

    But I really think it's about money....maybe the JW's are a burden on the Russian society, they have enough of their own.....


  • stuckinarut2

    Why not just pray for Jehovah to fix the situation?

    "if you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you can move mountains"

  • Drearyweather

    Opinions may vary. But I don't think that writing letters or appealing a government official makes you political or non-neutral. If an atheist writes a letter to the JW HQ in Warwick about child abuse policies, does that make him a religious person?

    Bible is full of narratives showing connections between worshipers and political authorities:

    Abraham warred with King Chedorlaomer to save Lot

    Moses and Aaron appealed Egyptian Pharaoh to let the Israelite's go.

    Nehemiah appealed King Artaxerxes to allow him to fix the walls of Jerusalem.

    In Acts 5, the apostles squarely told the high priest of the Sanhedrin that they won't stop preaching

    Paul appealed to Caesar during his stint with Festus.

    JW's do not vote and remain neutral. However, individual JW's pay their taxes and are eligible for the rights and civil liberties of the country where they live.

    If JW's can send disaster relief funds to their fellow believers in other countries, then I'm ok with them writing letters in support of fellow JW's in other countries.

    These are the words of Patriarch Krill of the Russian orthodox church:

    "We must learn to be kind to each other. It is not necessary to have evil in my heart, even if you do not agree with each other. Do not get angry, do not squeeze the teeth, do not wish harm to another person. This is the beginning of love."

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