Have all this nocie in Tv about JW and there dfd system lead to a more soft treatnign of at least moral siins, some are pointing on that , I was ther when the harder line was putt inn 1999 on an eldermeeting all over the word, perhaps this bigg media attention have some inpackt on how JW use the dfd system.
Internet have also make a revolution fore peopel how have been badley treated, before they have nowan to talk to, sudenly the have the whole word listnign, I dont think this have been understad by the GB before now.
I want also now if soem here now about diffrent handeling if it is PO or DO how do bad things compared to young pepopelor peopel how thy think not are so aktiv as PO and other give ther life fore JW.
If we read Rom second chap, we see that the bibel say if you are a judge, "elder" you have no mercy if you do the same thing as the peopel you judge.
I have gett this information from commitee members how they see on this issu, if the acused man seems to regret what he done, even if it is on the commite meeting we must forgive him, it is not how bigg the sinn is how it is most important, it is if he seems repentant.
I have littel difficult to understanad this, beaucause the hard way some young peopel have been treated,