So SHUT UP and eat your ice cream, you spoiled rotten kid!
by TerryWalstrom 3 Replies latest jw friends
So SHUT UP and eat your ice cream, you spoiled rotten kid!
But do NOT eat from the one tree which will make you LIKE ME!
Because if you are like me--you’ll know Good and Bad.
What the psychoanalysts offered us that no other school of psychology has given us is the following notion.
Human Beings are basically a loose collection of spirits.
You and me--we're like a ROOM FULL OF GHOSTS.
The YOU that you think you are is one ghost among all those ghosts (and it might even think that it is the "ghost in charge", but the probability of 'being in charge' is zero.
This observation of human behavior reveals over time that we 'become a different person' when we are angry, a different person when we are afraid, you're a different person when you argue with someone you love, you're a different person when you're confused. You're a different person when you're egotistical, a different person when you're wrong.
Any coherence across those multiple "selves" requires intervention--by a psychoanalyst. The analyst sees those spirits/ identities, entities, (invisible to themselves) and seeks to co-ordinate across their clash of wills so what ever "YOU" are can function without being in a constant state of interior conflict--(war).
One of the most terrifying realizations the psychologist leads people to is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN YOUR HEAD.
The space the "you" inhabit is a shared space.
Whatever your "Being" is--whatever "you" are--you're not alone in there.
It is difficult to conclude you are "Not the Captain of the ship."
Those aren't skeletons below deck. There are a host of other Captains (which can't see the others) struggling to emerge and steer.
It isn't a case of self-discipline at all. It is a case of exterior management of that crew of Captains.
Victorians treated Sexuality as a demon.
Victorian Christian dogma enabled this view and tended to see the only remedy as interference, repression, and forbearance (self-control).
A happy Christian family inevitably sent generations of children out into the world totally unprepared for reality; for THE reality of the internal struggle to propagate an survive like any other beast with competing spirits in the driver's seat.
Demon possession would be the Christian diagnosis.
Human nature was viewed as God's broken (by sin) masterpiece needing the glue and mending of the Gospel.
Psychoanalysis created an alternate methodology of dealing with such a Room Full of Ghosts.
Fast Forward to present day.
What will a therapist do?
Your therapist is a veterinarian with a tranquilizer dart.
Drugs. Management through chemistry.
It is an interesting world in which we live.
A false view of the world inevitably stems from a confused sense of Self.
Who is the Captain du jour on your voyage today?
Agree Terry and that's why people seek out and adhere to a religion because that religion defines their sought personal identity mostly involving an appealing sense of righteousness, a closeness to god as it were.
As for JWS its all righteous, wholesomeness and guiding direction from a god who is a sociopath genocidal murderer and his solemnly chosen people, the ancient Hebrew civilization.
Kind of warms your heart just thinking about it .