These well known words from the bible are so interesting!
"come to me all who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you"...etc....
Is it refreshing to be witness?
Lets think about that:
How do you dress and groom yourself?
How many "hours" do you do in service?
Are you exerting yourself enough?
Do you answer enough at meetings?
Do you miss meetings?
Do you "pre-study"?
Is the quality of your answers and service "spiritual" enough?
Is your family "spiritual?
Are you too "materialistic?
Do you work too much?
Are you considering higher education or developing critical thinking skills?
Is your entertainment "approved"?
Are your associates / friends (even within the society) "approved / wholesome"?
Feel free to add to the list.
Refreshing? Or is it more like another section in the bible:
"they bind up heavy loads on their shoulders..." ?