Why the difference in JW approach in US/Canada/UK etc

by core 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • core

    Reading here today a recurring thought came to me - why such huge differences in the Organisation approach country by country? It seems to me that in a lot of cases the actions of the congs/elders/branch in the US is fanatical if not lunatic whereas reports from Canada show a milder approach, as with posts re issues in the UK - is this the case and if so what do you thing causes it -

    Reading the many elder abuse issues from the US indicates a lot (not all) of the elders there are absolute stark raving mad - power control freaks with little intelligence or learning - are things worse there than in other places? Is this a cultural thing or what?

  • AnnOMaly

    Every place has their fair share of fanaticism and control freakiness.

    The USA like to 'nanny' everyone - being the dominant political power in the world. Perhaps they are closer to the 'Temple' - I dunno? The UK may allow for more eccentricity. The Australians are more laid back in the outback. The Germans are very strict and exact - if you don't fall into line, you are greatly disapproved of! I know someone who was reprimanded for having his hands in his pockets whilst singing the song in the meeting!!!

    I'm reducing everyone to stereotypes, aren't I?

    There are cultural differences, I'm sure, but elders throughout the globe are power-mad or ladder-climbing or blinkered or poor Bible students, with the few being pure gold.

  • Simon

    There is definitely a difference. American witnesses who came over were always kind of shocked at things we did and what was allowed etc ...

    Some of the things to do and not do in the watchtower and at assemblies sometimes evoked outright laughter.

    I think the good-ole bible-belt mentality (like the Flanders) is a lot stronger in the USA than in the UK where it tends to be more "old christian" such as CoE, Catholic and Methodist.

    Again, it could just be a culture thing - we are just less respectful.

    I notice it a bt in business. Over here it's not too unusual to disagree with you boss about something and you are expected to put your bit in. People have told me that it's not quite the same in the USA where you are expected to do as your boss says and should not question them (this could just have been the company culture though)

  • czarofmischief

    Also, the US is a huge country, with a vast difference in the character of people that live in say, Pittsburgh than Oklahoma. PIttsburgh is very sarcastic, always talking back, very tough minded - hardcore with a capital K.

    Oklahomans are more polite, more demanding of respect. Our cultural differences is what got me fired.

    And californians are just frigging nuts.


  • Mary
    Reading the many elder abuse issues from the US indicates a lot (not all) of the elders there are absolute stark raving mad - power control freaks with little intelligence or learning - are things worse there than in other places?

    I don't think so. I'm Canadian and my old PO is a total control freak with little intelligence and he really knows how to cover his lazy ass, as he's had numerous complaints about him over the years but still manages to hang on to his position. He does virtually no work himself in the congregation, but he really loves to "delegate" everything to all the other elders and then he sits his fat lazy ass down and takes all the credit.......unless something goes wrong: then he blames everyone else.

  • Uzzah


    You'll have to more specific. You've just described half the P.O.'s in the GTA. LOL

    btw please check your personal message mailbox here. I had a question about the blackout for you. thanks.


  • minimus

    The closer you lived to Brooklyn, the more "organizational" you were supposed to be. The Californians were always viewed as too liberal in these here parts.

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