Jehovahs Witness organization were never approved by Jesus Christ in 1919

by smiddy 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    According to Jehovahs Witness beliefs/doctrines , dont they acknowledge that The International Bible Students association , IBSA , were the ones with Charles taze Russell as the president as being the organization that Jesus Christ appointed over all his belongings and nominated them as the One true Religion to dispense food at the proper time ?

    When Joseph F Rutherford took over the organization contrary to Charles taze russells instructions regarding a successor did that negate the appointment that Jesus christ gave ? I think so .how about you.

    and then changing the name that Jesus Christ gave his blessing to the IBSA for jehovahs Witnesses under J.F.Rutherford to change that name which was pre-Christian and has no basis in the New Testament which is all about witnessing acknowledgeing and highlighting the name of Jesus above every other name as is stated time and time again in the Christian Greek Scriptures,

    Not forgetting the name of Jehovah is never mentioned in the word for word translation of the Christian greek scriptures the KI published by the WTB&TS. compared to about 30 times where the name Jesus Christ is highlighted and is to be witnessed about and his name is to be spread abroard.

    And not one word about Jehovah

    Doesnt this information negate any claim jehovahs Witnesses have on jesus Christ approving them in 1919 ?

    Jehovahs Witnesses didnt exist then ,only the International Bible Students Association , IBSA

    The Jehovahs witnesses are a completely seperate ,different organization than the International Bible Students Association.

    Your thoughts ? please.

  • Drearyweather
    dont they acknowledge that The International Bible Students association , IBSA , were the ones with Charles taze Russell as the president as being the organization that Jesus Christ appointed over all his belongings

    No. CT Russell died back in 1916. During the appointment in 1919, Rutherford was the president.

  • ttdtt

    How could they have been approved?

    By that time the Big JC was suposed to have identified the FDS.

    Well the big 7 just figured out they were it the other year.

    Just took 100 years:)



    Doesnt this information negate any claim jehovahs Witnesses have on jesus Christ approving them in 1919 ?

  • waton

    since "Jesus" could not have missed the then worldwide wt campaign " The world has ended, Millions now living [may] will never die,"-- on that basis alone, his appointing Rutherford and Co. as the sole Faithful and Discreet Slave is justified and plausible. No matter what.

  • Finkelstein

    The self proclamation by Rutherford in (1919) was a self supporting ideological farce.

    It was obviously created by him as vehicle to promote the literature he published and to create a distinction between other Christian based organizations.

    The reality is one of a commercially inspired false prophet luring people into distributing literature through exploitation, fear and guilt under a guise of preaching a " True" Gospel.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    According to today's Daily Text, definitely JWs aren't the exclusive selection of God. He accepts ALL that aspire to do his will.

    There are many instances of people in the Bible who were not Israelites or Christians who had God's favor and blessings.

    We JWs just like to think foolishly that we are unique, but the fact that the Bible states that after Armageddon there will be a large of quantity of survivors that no man can count only means that God favors us ALL.

    Awakened JWs know this. Many of the 'Awakened' class inside the Org these days.


  • dothemath

    Imagine if they had just kept the name "international bible students". It would be a lot more accepted by the general population (imho), and it would give a lot more latitude to get stuff wrong. As a student, you would always be learning.

    I wouldnt doubt the current GB has fits over doctrinal things from years ago, that they now have to fit in and keep making up as they go along.

    Knowing what they know now, even the strong blood issue stand wouldn't have been taken, but their hands are tied.

    dothemath4 hours ago4 hours ago

    Imagine if they had just kept the name "international bible students". It would be a lot more accepted by the general population (imho), and it would give a lot more latitude to get stuff wrong. As a student, you would always be learning.

    I don't know DTM. I think the problem is more in their teachings than in their name. It's the teachings that make people think they are students who attend no accredited school. It's like attending Trump University. LOL

  • Finkelstein

    I think the problem is more in their teachings than in their name.

    True most of the WTS's teachings was taught or created by novice bible scholars/businessmen who were running their own publishing house.

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