2020--04--07 Inbox Disaster relief Committee--Zone 3!
by Atlantis 9 Replies latest jw friends
Many Thanks !!!
Rub a Dub
All the critic, sometimes, they do also good things. This communication is good.
Thank you! Please stay as safe as you can.
Anders Andersen
All the critic, sometimes, they do also good things. This communication is good
I think it's telling (some) JW apparently need Watchtower to tell them they should follow CDC and government orders....
Most of that letter was just saying what the governments have been saying anyway. It sickens me that jdubs will think the org is taking care of them, when actually all the advice and rules are coming from 'Satan's governments'
I am actually surprised they suggested to have a look on a non-JW site (CDC in this case). I think a link to WHO would have been better but hey....you got start somewhere.
But of course, all the credits for the good advice go to the WT....... pffff
Thanks Petra
On the one hand, yes, 90% of the letter is just re-printing "here's what the CDC recommends..."
On the other hand, there are a $#!+-load of JWs who just...do..not...believe...ANYTHING unless it has a Watchtower letterhead on it. If this letter gets even the stupidest JWs to shelter in place and wear masks when they do have to venture out, then it's a good thing.
I literally just got this PDF from my Mom; she BCCd me on an email she sent the local Elder to prove that she is following the Society guidelines on what to do...
This is CRAZY!! I speak to her daily (she’s 800 miles away and speaks to me even though I’ve faded years ago) and she sounds like she understands what’s going on; then I get this and realize she’s completely brainwashed and won’t do a thing unless the WTBTS approves it. 🤮