He was the first CO that I remember growing up. What ever happened
to him?
Does anyone remember Bryan Bush – CO in western PA back in the late 1980’s?
by My Name is of No Consequence 6 Replies latest jw experiences
My Name is of No Consequence
All or nothing
I do remember them, don't know anything about their warabouts
If you wait a few decades, you'll be able to safely conclude he's died - happens to everyone sooner or later waiting for the end.
I was with him about 2 weeks ago. Ruth and he are doing ok. He often talks about his time in P.A. with found memories.
How was he as C.O???
My Name is of No Consequence
@ MrTheoratic:
I was pretty young, but I do remember him as being very friendly. He was the CO in PA Circuit 7.
I don't remember him. Where is PA Circuit 7?
My Name is of No Consequence
@ jamiebowers:
It is the Pittsburgh area. Bush was the CO around 1987-88ish.