Here's my experience..................
When the jc interrogated me for 4 1/2 hours I felt violated. When they couldn't decide what to do with me that night and said that I'ld have to meet with them again in 3 days, I knew I was going to be emotionaly violated again. When I met with them 3 days later and sat through what felt like another jc hearing, I was emotionaly violated again!
What really rubbed salt in the wound (considering I was innocent of the charges) was that once they said I would be df'ed because that was what jehovah's spirit was directing, they asked for my blood card. Can you believe it? I was not allowed to carry the card anymore. Not that losing the card bothered me, but it was the unkind and unloving way they let me know I was no longer in the 'club'.
They also told me and my husband that if something happened and I needed hospitalisation, they would not be there for me. Well, that could only speed up my recovery, I thought...............LOL. And that if I died while I was df'ed I could not have a JW funeral. Talk about twisting the knife in!!!!!!!!!!!!
That all happened about 4 years ago but the memory is still there, alive and well. I am fortunate that I am a real fighter and can be quite strong and determined, not that I didn't suffer physically through all of it. But I have wondered how someone already feeling bad and low due to their sin, would cope with that kind of treatment? How could a vulnerable person with strict family shunning them, endure? The lack of love and empathy was outstanding and the feeling of abandonment was overwhelming. It could push someone over the edge.
Well, after eating ALOT of humble pie served up by those elders, in the form of 3 attempts to be reinstated, I did go back. But guess what????????? They didn't return or replace my blood card for months. I had to ask for it. Shows how much quicker and enthusiastic they are about disciplining and making people feel down and out. How thorough they are with all the procedures when df'ing, yet neglectful when welcoming the lost sheep back.............not much like the father in the prodigal son illustration hey???????
Just something I thought about today..................what was your experience with df'ing????????
Cheers, Bliss