God’s Word is heavy with doom, announcing Christendom’s imminent destruction;
Christendom is a fake "kingdom of the heavens" and is full of badness;
Christendom, professing love for Jesus, actually rejects him;
When Christendom is wiped out, individuals in Christendom will not escape unless they forsake her.
Christendom deserves the coming destruction;
Keep preaching without letup about the destruction of Christendom;
Christendom’s clergy spearhead the persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses;
No wonder Christendom will soon come to her end;
Christianity was eclipsed by a counterfeit called Christendom;
Interestingly, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is a fully paid-up member of the Christendom club - according to every authoritative definition of the word "Christendom."
The term 'Christendom' is universally defined as, Christians collectively, the Christian world, Christianity - except by the WTBTS/Jehovah's Witnesses who translate it as being "all religions which claim to be Christian, but are false." J.W.'s claim that they are not part of Christendom.
Not only do they perversely translate wordings in the Bible, they also want to bastardize dictionary definitions.
Just a side issue - can a registered charity (in the U.K.) make such vitriolic statements about similar charities, with impunity? I've never heard Catholics or Mormons publicly say such nasty things about J.W.'s