The upcoming "memorial" is the 85th anniversary of the mandatory hunger strike of the earthly sheep "class" of wt workers. but: look at all these famous 5s:
1925 : wt advertised the revealing of the ancients of old, like Noah, Abraham as living model elders.
1935: Great crowd are present before they even come out of the great tribulation. *
1975: its reasonable that the millenium will start now,
85 years celebration of abstention of ordinary Jws from partaking of the emblems, for everlasting life (1936- 2021)
2075: end of the last group of overlappers. ( 2 centenarians overlapping by <20 years each, see F. Franz
A five star success story. far short of the 10 of earthly perfection, but keep trying!
* wt got around that small detail by teaching at the time, that the GT had started in 1914, stopped in 1918 and after that interruption will start at Armageddon again.
there must be a better way, you have to feel sorry for them.