Here are the changes:
-- Inserted a statement indicating that the elders can inform new publishers and remind those approved for baptism that (1) the elders collect personal information on the Congregation’s Publisher Record (S-21) so that the organization can continue to care for the religious activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide and so that he may participate in spiritual activities and receive spiritual support and (2) any personal information is handled according to the Global Data Protection Policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses found on
-- Inserted direction for the coordinator of the body of elders to ask the baptism candidate if he has made a personal dedication in prayer to Jehovah to do His will.
-- Inserted direction that when the baptism candidate is a minor, his believing parent(s) should be present for the sessions.
-- The number of sessions held with the baptism candidate to determine whether he qualifies for baptism has been reduced from three to two.