Hi if you go onto youtube and look for GOODSEARCH.COM and see what ABC news has to say about it.Its a search engine and so that you use it it donates half the profits of each search to charity its raised over $11 million dollars to 1000s of charitys.local,national and international
Again if you look on youtube for FREERICE.COM you can see what NBC news has to say about it.The united nations has a charity called the world food programe they own a website called FREERICE.COM its a quiz with many subjects english maths spanish etc and when you get an answer right the sponsors pay for 10 grains of rice, they have got up to 30 million grains in one day and since 2007 have got over 95 billion grains for the worlds starving.If you go onto youtube the wfp have a site where you can see the work they do around the world