Imagine going to the door today and showing the householder a milk carton from 1980 with a missing child on it and asking, "Have you ever seen this child?" The householder looks and quickly says, "No I haven't, sorry."
Then the next door, same thing. Then at the next door the guy says, "No, never seen her. But you're doing a fine work and nice suit by the way..." and off you go to the next door for another irrelevant question to be asked to another person who simply replies, No, haven't seen him/her...and so on, and so on.
Today, I think the ministry of JW's is just like walking over to your neighbors house with a milk carton from 1980 and asking if you've seen this 7 year missing girl. The household is thinking things like, "What the hell are you doing showing me a milk carton of a missing girl from 38 fricken years ago. She's probably either dead or like 50 years old now!! What's the use?!"
And if you think about it, isn't their message pretty much the same, "What's the use?"
They preach, what, that the end will come when? How do you even explain it now a days? That the end will come in "an-overlapping-generation from now? How do you even begin to explain that to the guy across the street? He'd be like, um, well, a generation to me is like when I have kids, that's the next generation. What the hell are you talking about?"
The urgency is completely gone. Completely. Back in the 80's and early 90's when Witnesses went to the door, they eagerly and excitedly showed people at the door the quote from Matthew, "this generation will by no means pass away..." from 1914 onward, that generation is like almost completely over, so NOW is the time... and many householders would get the point.
But now???? Where's the drive? Hey, folks, it's gone.
Just think...remember the milk cartons from the 1980's with the missing children? Well, they are now in a landfill covered by about 50 feet or so of other landfill material. Many decades of daily life heaped upon it.
Everybody, keep your chin up. One day, the JW religion will be just like that 1980's milk carton.
Peace out. :)