Looks like Mr Wilson's video is taken down, unfortunately.
Just want to say as to why the 607 apologists adhere so vehemently to their philosophy, obviously that is because without that their entire structure collapses.
There is absolutely, without a doubt that 607 is their linchpin into their entire flimsy belief system. NO 1914, then no choosing of the faithful slave in 1919, list goes on and on......
You will always see such apologists dogmatically, emphatically make ridiculously and outrageous claims to back their futile assertions without any evidence.
It's just so strange that you see some guy on a broadcast remind the sheeple that Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 607, without any evidence to support such an invalid claim. Nah, just take it at face value......we have no evidence.
When you see evidence all over the place, libraries, encyclopedias and of course the internet to upend such assertions and narratives.