"the truth" has them coming and going...

by joe_from_kokomo 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joe_from_kokomo

    In a recent article from Christianity Today, they quote that Christians are more "mobile" today, and they pack up and go somewhere else whenever they so choose. (Although I know quite a few who are too psychologically immobilized to do this.)

    According to their article found here: http://www.christianitytoday.com/le/2003/003/19.7.html, 32% of JWs left and 39% joined. (They actually quote a confusing fractional number, too, without a common denominator, which is "one-third of their members leave the group, and two-fifths join from another religion..." I recalculated that this is 5/15s LEAVE and 6/15ths JOIN, which is about dead even in my book, at least if you cutting up pieces of some figurative membership pie. Or was that a symbolic membership pie? I am confusing myself now...)

    In any case, me wonders from whence their demographics cometh... Did ole JR Brown give them these figures or did they call up some local Kingdom Halls? I seriously doubt that the tight-lipped home office would give out this information, so I really have to wonder how accurate it is. I would guess that the LEAVE numbers actually now exceed the JOIN numbers. Certainly that would be the case if they were not disfellowshipped or disassociated for choosing to go elsewhere.

    Speaking as a new member of the 5/15ths French Leave slice, who chose Baptism Nullification as our exit strategy, (thanks again, Maverick), our family is getting happier every day.

    We jus keep humming that ol' tune, "Going Mobile"...

  • blondie

    I started a topic on this too, Joe. I'll just connect them.




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