Over at Seven's cafe I posted a song in memory of this
little girl. I posted LUKA which is about child abuse.
I did not know Elizabeth Byrd was abused no they just
let us know she was murderer going to school she was 8.
Today the embalmer came out and said she suffered
severe sexual trauma-there were bruise marks around her
little neck indicating she had been chocked by a cord.
In Texas a Judge has ordered 14 sex offenders to post
signs outside their homes reading--
"DANGER: Registered Sex Offender Lives Here"
He had them put a similar bumper sticker on their cars.
Defense Attorneys (A**HOLES EVERY LAST ONE who
decide to defend these sickest of human beings)
say"Its a return to the days of the scarlet letter"
Many are lining up against the judge,civil rights
activists and others who are worried about how
far could this go-maybe even into shoplfting they
say.Yeah shoplifting and child molestation now
thats apples and apples is it not.
As for me adultry is a terrible thing and society once
viewed it as such-thus the scarlet letter. Does this mean
in a 100 years or so child molestation will be no big
deal either maybe even glorified much like adultry is.
These people committed a crime and should pay for
it for the rest of there life. Just like the childeren they
betrayed have too.
The punishment should fit the crime. Castrate them at
the mall on Sunday and TATOO on their forehead and
face if you need the space.
"I have been found to be hazardous to children
please STAY AWAY"
Hey they did the crime and now they should suffer
and suffer and suffer some more. Don't think that
this is cruel hey for a couple minutes of unprotected
sex you may suffer physical trials for the rest of
your life. Does not this deserve bigger consequences.
Society is to worried about the criminals rights and not
the innocent where will this stop. If not with our KIDS
then MAD MAX is just around the corner.
Elizabeth's funeral is on Saturday finally people have
come together for this tiniest and most frail of 8 year olds.
The Mormons are having the ceromony and Greer-Wilson
is donating the funeral expenses.
I never knew this little girl in life but it seems I'm destine to meet her now, something is telling me to go on
Saturday.I believe I will and I'll say a little pray for her
and a real long one for us.