Directed to those who since leaving the Dubs have attached themselves (strongly or loosely) to another religious or spiritual group: How would you describe the group, your relationship to it, and why it appeals to you? If you want to mention the group's name, that's okay, but one thing I have noticed is that there is a vast difference in implications and ramifications between saying "I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses" and saying "I am a _____" - almost anything else. Exactly what identifying with the group means is at least as diverse as the groups themselves, or perhaps as diverse as the individuals who so identify.
I am personally acquainted with ex-JWs who "are" Roman Catholic, Protestant, what I call in a rather generic sense "orthodox Christian," Unitarian-Universalist, Buddhist, Hindu, and a perhaps surprising (seemingly disproportionate?) number of Neo-Pagans. I'd like a better understanding, based on a sample from this forum, of the spectrum of possibilities - again, not so much in terms of beliefs and practices, but as to one's sense of identification with the group.