I was sent this. Have you guys seen this?
by closer2fine 8 Replies latest jw friends
I was sent this. Have you guys seen this?
And now I found this: http://www.snopes2.com/rumors/pentagon.htm
is that Ginger Spice, or you?
But but but.......
How come no video evidence? The Pentagon must surely have video surveillance!
Glad I read the second post before I replied. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PEOPLE...IT WAS and airplane (ok, a jet).
People susceptable to these types of fringe theories-presented-as-fact, remain clueless as to the core reason why the Jehovah's Witness religion has been able to spread.
I saw a TV programme about air crashes some time ago and one of the sites was a jumbo that had hit the ground near vertically. There was practically nothing left and a few people were stood round it looking at the site.
Remember when the 727 crashed into the Everglades with no trace? There have been many crashes of large aircraft with no trace of the aircraft left. For those of you who do not have degrees in aeronautical engineering, airplanes are delicate little creatures. They are not built like tanks, road making equipment, or ships of the sea. The littlest force from the wrong direction and they are immediately rendered trash and tinker toys. From an engineering standpoint, they are two box beams set at right angles to each other, and little else.
Oh, something else. Aluminum becomes useless at about 300 degrees. Jet fuel burns at about 1450 degrees. You reckon all the aluminum which gave shape to the airframe might just have burned beyond recognition in the fire after the crash? Jesus.
So waste your time looking for an aircraft that came apart milliseconds into the crash at the pentagon and then burned. Then go to a aircrash internet site and compare. Aircraft are meant to FLY. They are not meant to crash and burn. Figure it out.
I'd be interested to hear what the guy behind the website thinks happened to the passengers on the flight? Were they all "manufactured" by some secret branch of the government? Or, if the website owner believes that those were real people- what happened to them? Were they taken directly from the airport into the "truck" that blew up the pentagon, thus leaving their personal effects at the scene? Or, were they abducted straight from the airport, the luggage they had put on the "truck" and brought to the pentagon while they were... um, killed? Or transported to a camp somewhere where they will never be seen by their families again? Or, was there really a plane that left the airport that the government intentionally diverted to (mystery location) and the passengers (killed/imprisoned/handed over to aliens) while the government sent the evil truck to blow up the Pentagon?
So, he's got a theory about plane. But what about the people? Spies? Martians? Pre-fab identities?