Its a serious question but we all know that thousands even millions have been misled, brainwashed or deluded into thinking the end of the world is coming by false teachers and prophets. Many people gave up family, careers, time, enjoyment of life etc etc only to be disappointed time and time again.They are responsible for pain, suffering, and manipulation. This goes to many denominations
Can you sue a False Prophet
by maccauk 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
John Davis
Every country has there own laws and each country would have to be evaluated on its own. But let's take the USA.
You would have to get past the fact that it is established law that civil courts cannot intervene and determine if one's religious beliefs are right or wrong.
But let's say that you do get a judgement against a denomination that meets your criteria you have to show damages. How are you going to prove that you would have gotten a better job if you weren't part of that religion or didn't listen to that religious leader. You would have to be able to show that you would have had the skills to get it, that you would have been successful in that field and that you would have had the opportunity to work in the field. Even now when someone successfully sues for let's say wrongful death the person's current job and set of skills come into play when determining damages. You can't claim that a night watchmen potential earnings would have been equal to the CEO of
But let's say that you do get a judgement against a denomination that meets your criteria you have to show damages. How are you going to prove that you would have gotten a better job if you weren't part of that religion or didn't listen to that religious leader? You would have to be able to show that you would have had the skills to get it, that you would have been successful in that field and that you would have had the opportunity to work in the field. Even now when someone successfully sues for let's say wrongful death the person's current job and set of skills come into play when determining damages. You can't claim that a night watchmen potential earnings would have been equal to the CEO of Google because they aren't in the same category of potential earnings.
Remember that civil courts are supposed to be there to make you whole, not for it to be a windfall for the plaintiff.
The people responsible for hurting their families are those that hurt their families. Whether that is because the listen to a preacher or an anti vaccer, there's little difference - they chose to follow foolish nonsense and not look into things but then want to blame everyone else for the results.
Government doesn't get into judgment of religion unless they are violating the law or the government is a theocracy.
People are allowed to believe in anything they want, however stupid. It's part of freedom.
Many people gave up family, careers, time, enjoyment of life etc etc only to be disappointed time and time again.They are responsible for pain, suffering, and manipulation. This goes to many denominations
...and? They do so voluntarily and legally agree to do so.
Sue them for lost time due to fraudulent bible deceptions.
False prophets practicing charlatanism is also unregulated in most countries because they too come under the identity of freedom of religion.
Ironically and untruthfully they are usually designated as non profit charity organizations. $$$
All the money cultivated by commercialized false prophets including the likes of the WTS , never legally have to return any donated money to whom made the original donation.
Buyer beware! Or, in the case of religion believer beware!
Personal due diligence should be excersized in any important life altering decisions but, to me, extra caution is needed with religion not less.
James Mixon
Yes hurricanes, earthquakes,sinkholes,rising seas, and the threat of nuclear annihilation has brought those fringe Christian doomsday delusional prophets out of the wood works. What happens when one of these doomsday prophets runs into a JW?? (JW) we are the only ones that knows when the end will come, sorry but you folks are delusional. We screwed up in the past with a few dates, but we got it right this time.
"Can you sue false Prophet", forget suing the false Prophet instead sue the folks that says the bible is truth, reclassify it as a book of fairy tales...
Black Sheep
Did anybody sue Harold Camping? I doubt it was possible.
Get the 1st Amendment repealed and your on your way.