just as israel and judah split the org will also split. it is time for those who love real truth break away. can reformation happen? can a split happen? all former and current witness, tell us what you think!
israel/judah the split, will it happen to wts?
by the mole 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
The problem is getting a sizeable enough amount of JWs to split off within a very narrow timeframe. Otherwise, its open season and the WTS can easily pick us off one by one for apostasy.
The odds are slim of this happening, but the climate is right for it. Talking with another witness recently about problems in the organization, I asked: "If you heard that so-and-so (the names of three elders in the area who are good speakers and have the reputation for being humble, liberal and outspoken) were holding a meeting in a public place next weekend to discuss watchtower reforms, would you go?" The answer: "I'd be there for sure."
In other words, I believe many are looking around for some direction, some leadership from within, but it's just not surfacing. It's all about numbers. In suburban areas like mine, there are 2,500 JWs attending meetings at several halls. If they knew that 250 active, emotionally well-balanced brothers and sisters were meeting on Sundays at a community center, there would be a mass exodus. This is especially true if they knew the agenda was to openly discuss every doctrine and procedure, throw out all the stupid stuff, and start over. Of course, what happens after they get there is open to speculation but my point is if some JWs knew there was a community of friends out there, they'd take a risk. Right now, there's just no place to go.
Who would want to do all that work and for what reward?
Quit looking for leadership and save yourself!
"Every man to his gods, oh Israel!"
I agree with spudinator The problem is getting a sizeable enough amount of JWs to split off within a very narrow timeframe. Otherwise, its open season and the WTS can easily pick us off one by one for apostasy. It is not impossible but would be extremely difficult -- it may need a CO or two to be among those splitting off
willyloman brought out some good points. It comes down to having enough "critical mass" to effect the split or force reform by sheer numbers of folks rejecting the WTS. That can only happen if somebody starts the ball rolling. So far, there has been little to no indication that this will happen, despite all the great rumors since the old days of H2O and even before that in the early 90's. exjwelder makes a good suggestion, but it would take more than just one or even two CO's to overcome the enormous spiritual inertia in this organization.
I am not totally skeptical that this could work, in fact it would be an answer to many fervent prayers. Just the fact that this can be talked about is some relief. But action would be better yet.
It's already happened. When rutherford took over, 80% didn't go along w his siezure. They stayed bible students, preferring the a more christian type of freedom to the corporate style that rutherford introduced. Central control has become so strong, that a split is very unlikely. There have been several threads discussing this.
Where one goes, ten will follow.
Truth or no truth.
Then what is truth ?
It's hard to predict what is in store in the future for the organization. If history is a good example, only a few groups have formed that were made up of former Watchtower members. Most individuals become wary of any organized efforts after having experienced the regimentation of the Watchtower Society. Once the ties are broken, it is difficult to form new ones even if some of the new leaders are well respected.
The Worldwide Church of God is a recent example of what happens to an organization when it is split by the leadership. It has fragmented into various groups even though Armstrong's successor controls the organization and assets. Strangely, this leader has thrown out most of Armstrong's teachings and gone back to a more orthodox viewpoint.
I have no doubt that there will be changes in the organization. We have some evidence of that already. But what will actually happen in the future is anyone's guess.
I don't see anything happening until either: (a) Someone in authority gets tired of the hypocrisy and the hubris and leads the others into some common sense and real compassion for the rank-and-file, or (b) Some ordinary but well-respected person(s) with nothing to lose rises up and 'speaks truth to power,' like Martin Luther (celebrated in the latest Watchtower magazine), come what may. The Society uses disfellowship as a bludgeon to beat thinking people into silence. If enough were willing to take this heat publicly for the sake of real truth, there might be a "Reformation" for JWs.