As a dub it always made me wonder if the Years spoken of in Genesis were real years or something got lost in the translations.
Consider the first man Adam was alive at the same time Methusela was. Methusela died the same year as the flood. This means two mens lifetimes covered the period from creation to the flood. Does it seem logical or reasonable that no one spoke to Adam about his ordeal or that detailed accounts were not passed down either orally or in written form. I would have thought people would have travelled far and wide to see and speak to the first man created unless they thought he was full of it...Did you hear about that old man Adam he thinks he is the originator of all mankind ha ha ha.
When you look through history man has always sought out people like Adam for guidance often making them rulers or leaders which Adam seems like he was neither.
On the flood topic how would it be possible for the Ark to float for a year and end up so close to its starting point. If you set something adrift on the ocean it surely would not stay in the same place or even within thousands of miles after a year adrift.
What are your thoughts?