Feature request: threaded PM conversations.

by cappytan 5 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • cappytan

    Just a feature request. Not necessary, however it's just a suggestion.

    It'd be nice to have threaded conversations in the private message system so you can see what the person who replies to your message was replying to.

    Sometimes it's days between messages and you have to go back into your sent folder to find out what they're talking about for context.

    Just an idea.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    SIMON: Would a Search name/word feature for PM's like we have for regular threads be at all possible?

    Like you said, Cappy, sometimes it is days before someone replies to a PM and it gets lost amongst others.


  • Simon

    Yeah, the current PM system is "functional" but pretty basic. It was a late "meh, good enough" piece of work.

    I'm working on a new SPA / Ajax version of the app which makes a slicker UI easier to do.

    One thing I have been thinking about for a while is using the same topic format and mechanism for PMs as well. It could possibly allow inviting other people to a private discussion which I could see being useful at times.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Simon
    Would a Search name/word feature for PM's like we have for regular threads be at all possible?

    Yes, that's on the TODO list as well :)

  • Splash

    Ooh, if we're making requests, a date filter on the search would be awesome!

    There are so many threads and so much info on here now, searching for virtually anything brings 100's of results back from up to a decade ago.

    To restrict this to the last month/6 months/year would be fantastic!

    Thanks for your hard work Simon!

  • Simon

    I have plans for that too - I was thinking of a range (two sliders) so whatever view you were looking at could be restricted by both the from and to date.

    The other option is to boost more recent items in the search results as more likely to be more relevant. The search in general could be stronger to allow more precise querying.

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