This question is especially directed at those who dealed with field service reports. I have yet to read a post which describes in detail the life cycle of one of these annoying slips of paper.
At the end of the month, we put our fake hours into the box at the back of the hall or give them to the congregation book study conductor overseer. What happens then?
Who is responsible for tabulating the hours/books/RV's etc. What kind of program did you use - Excel?
Did you have averages, formulas for calculating people who did less than 5 hours a month? Any 'red ink' for those who did nothing at all?
What do you do with the reports when you have entered them into the computer, assuming of course this is where the data goes?
From what I understand, Bethel needs to have these precious slips of paper by the 6th of the month. Do they keep them forever or do they have one card for each publishers with all their yearly hours on.
For former CO's...some questions
You were responsible for looking at the reports of the brothers every Tuesday afternoon prior to the first congregation meeting of your visit. What exactly were you looking for?
Were you looking for high hours so you could appoint brothers? Were you looking for low hours to locate 'trouble spots' in the congregation. Did you really look at those time sheets? Did you ever talk about brothers who did low hours or nothing at all with the other elders?
This could be a really interesting post and I would welcome your input.