History of Wedding Ring

by wannahelp 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannahelp


    While searching the internet today I found this websit

    <A> http://www.prime.org/chalfant/Rings.html

    Seems to indicate that wedding rings are pagan in origin.?? How can that be, after all don't JW's use wedding rings??

    If I were to ask my JW friend to explain to me why they wear wedding rings what would be the answer??

    Thanks for the help everyone...

  • jurs

    hi wannahelp,
    i'm not sure how your friend will respond. i was a witness almost 7 years and i never knew about wedding rings (i also heard wedding gowns)were pagan in origin. if that question would have been asked of me i would tell that person i would look into it and get back to her/him later. it might be helpful to make a photocopy of your research to give to your friend. i hope you let us know how your friend responds. jurs

  • wannahelp

    You'll be the first to know after me :-)

    And I'll show him the actual printed pages from the website...

    Tune in Wednesday evening to find out how the JW responds to a pagan tradition exposed in their religion..

    Gee, I wonder if I can somehow contact the GB and let them know of it's pagan origin.. Maybe they'll appreciatie the info, change the doctrine, and appoint me an honory annointed class person :-) (Ok, sorry, forgot who I was dealing with for a sec <G>)

  • slipnslidemaster
  • Faraon
  • JT
  • JT
  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Good luck on the GB Wanna! You aren't the first that has tried that! I am sure they will thank you very nicely and then put you on their special, Do Not Call list!

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Good luck on contacting the GB, Wanna, you wouldn't be the first!! They will probably thank you very nicely and put you on their special DNC list!!

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