The org teaches that in the New Order those that have been brought back to life will "neither marry or be given in marriage" The Earth will be eventually filled by those that make it through the big A.(If that's the case there would be ALOT of sex happening in the New Order for awhile at least)
I was looking through the Photodrama of Creation book the other day and read the page dealing with Mother Eve Created (P.9)
The last paragraph states" Another suggestion has been offered: Jesus declared that those who attain to that resurrection will neither marry nor be given in marriage. As Adam originally possessed all the qualities of character, masculine and feminine, so humanity, when fully restored to the image and likeness of God, will re-attain perfection of individuality. Sex divisions will then be no more. Earth will be filled with sufficient population-Luke 20:35,36"
While I personally don't believe in the "New Order" anymore I would be interested in seeing what Dubs believe will happen. I am not sure if the Society has changed views on this or not but I am sure that JW's would find it at least a bit disconcerting that there won't be sex divisions after the Earth is filled in the New Order.(Are they going to lose their rod and tackle or are they going to morph into something totally different?)
Thoughts anyone?