Hello Everyone:
- Thanks to all of you who are sending me information so far.
- The attorney will get back with you, they are extremely busy because this is a full time project.
- Again, don't qualify information you have, even hearsay is good ... not because it will be used in court, but it helps greatly with gathering initial evidence and following leads. What seems like minor information has already helped to get a serious case to the courts.
- I will be PM'ing those who have yet to respond to my inquiry regarding the JW pedophile Poll. Please review and respond ... even if you did not originally participate ... all information is vital no matter how unimportant you think it is.
- Finally ... there is a Day of Reckoning coming ... It should take place in the near future, perhaps in a week or two ... and as I can I will release details ... some of this is going to surprise you, and some may be revealed in the media. This is not intended to tease you, but to keep you up to date as this thing unfolds.
Thanks again for your support. - Jim Whitney