A thought came to mind.
Often when we awaken to the "Truth about the Truth", JWs will ask "What made you start questioning things? Why are you doing this??"
They act as if WE are doing something wrong by questioning facts.
But, the scripture at 2 Cor 13:5 clearly says "Keep testing whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you are"
So, this implies regular checks of our faith, and all we believe to be true.
It is like going to the Doctors for a regular check up. We may not feel sick, but we go regularly to ensure all is ok with our health. In the course of that check-up, we may be made aware of something. Do we just ignore it and say to ourselves "well I felt fine last time, and I dont need to give attention to this issue!"
NO, we take the Drs advice and take steps to give attention to the things before us! We dont bury our heads in the sand.
So, it is no different to "waking up" to TTATT. WE have carried out a regular check of our faith, and found glaring issues that can not be ignored.