I Feel So Much More Intelligent Now

by OneFingerSalute 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OneFingerSalute

    Well I must say that after the serve us meeting tonight I feel so much more intelligent. Almost as if I had four years of college condensed into ten minutes.

    That is what was spent going on about how to use the glossary in the back of the "wonderful" new revised Bible. We got a crash course on how to look up the words listed alphabetically. How to read the definition of words used in the new revised Bible which were hard to understand to make those words more understandable.  For instance "covenant". We had to look it up and see it meant contract. WTF?? Why didn't they just say that in the first place with their super revised Bible?

    What a frigging waste! 

  • FayeDunaway

    Seems just a few years ago they came out with the paper cover black one...what is with the new grey one? Why? What were their selling points about it?? Is it that they use simpler, more modern words? This is a big deal. Are there many changes in the actual wording of the verses? Have they gone even further from the oldest copies of scripture now? have they really changed it to more support their own ideology? I need to know!! I remember with the paperback black one they took out the parentheses for a scripture I think in Colossians where it says Jesus created all things...in the old edition they had added '(other) things' , and in the newer addition had changed it to 'other things'...suggesting they hadn't made any changes to the original texts! 

  • smiddy

    See ,  you don`t need a college or university education when you have the watchtower society to instruct you.


  • stuckinarut2
    Yes Faye...all of that,  and much more!
  • Zoos
    Now, when the elder finished presenting the material, the effect was that the congregation was astounded at his way of teaching; for he was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as some lowly college professor.
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    one finger salute

    i just love your username


  • freemindfade

    Meetings are mind numbing. The watchtower should be 15 minutes to 30 at best. (Still a waste) . This crap is beat into the heads of everyone each week never anything new. I feel they stretch it as hard as they can. Just like everyone does with their field service time 


    The RNWT exists for several reasons, many of which were mentioned by Faye.

    1) 100 years of jack-shit happening as predicted by the GB Gurus. Boredom was setting in, the R&F needed something new. The RNWT was to be an initial step in the re-branding of the WTBTS. 

    2) The increase of watchtardedness under the WTBTS Idiocracy, required the RNWT for dummies.

    3) Although severely skewed, the NWT contained many footnotes, cross-references, and a more extensive index. These represented a danger as more intelligent dubs could follow them, thereby having a huge WTF moment when they realized they lead in a gigantic circle. The outright omission of tricky passages that conflict with JWism, could lead one to learning TTATT. 

    4) The pseudo-scholar mentality of Fred Franz ( see point 3 ) could backfire. The only logical path was that of dumbing down the NWT. A dumber version with less words also means easier translating. 

    5) Some JW merchant gave the WTBTS a discount when they bought a shit-ton of grey leather. 

    6) Jeehoober did it.


  • FayeDunaway
    Thank you for answering my questions...I hadn't even known about the new bible. Are deep studying and hard liner witnesses digging it? I just want to know if this increases my chances of getting my extended family back or not :-/ I need to get my hands on one of these somehow....

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